All About Soy Wax, Soy Blended and Parrafin Candles

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The Soy Blended Candle is our pick. There’s a certain enchanting allure to the gentle flicker of a candle flame – one that brings warmth and ambience to any space. Yet, with an increasing spotlight on eco-friendly choices, candle enthusiasts are exploring beyond aesthetics to find the best option that aligns with their values.

This comprehensive comparison shines a light on the candle industry’s three major waxes – 100% soy, soy blends, and paraffin – to help you make an informed decision that’s both cozy and conscientious.

Candles may seem like simple products, but when it comes to the material from which they’re made, the differences can be significant, impacting the environment, air quality, and even your health. Let’s dig in to understand what’s burning beneath the surface.

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The Soy Solution: Understanding Soy Wax

Derived from soybean oil, soy wax has emerged as a popular choice for eco-conscious consumers. It’s renewable, biodegradable, and spills are easy to clean up with soap and water. The high content of vegetable-based oils makes for naturally slow, clean-burning candles. Additionally, these candles typically boast a longer life than paraffin alternatives, making them a frugal and earth-friendly option.

Soy wax can also be a boon for those with allergies or sensitivities as it doesn’t produce the black soot that paraffin does. The absence of toxins in its fumes means that it’s better for indoor air quality, too. A cleaner burn isn’t just about the environment – it can also prevent damage to your walls and furniture, keeping your home in top shape for years to come.

The Paraffin Predicament

Paraffin wax has been the go-to choice for candle-making for many years, primarily due to its low cost and easy availability. This byproduct of petroleum, coal, or shale oil is what gives traditional candles their shape and longevity. However, the environmental implications and health concerns associated with burning paraffin candles have put it in a questionable light.

One of the most prominent issues with paraffin is its emission of potentially harmful chemicals when burned. This includes toluene, benzene, and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that have been linked to health issues. If you’re aiming for a sustainable and healthy home, paraffin might not be the best match.

The Soy Blended Candle Scenario

Soy blended candle waxes offer a mid-way solution. These candles typically mix soy wax with other natural or synthetic waxes, including beeswax or palm wax. The result is often a candle that retains some of the beneficial properties of soy – such as cleaner burning and slower melting – but with improved stability and scent throw, which can be harder to achieve with 100% soy wax alone.

For candle makers, soy blended candles allow a level of customization and creativity in both texture and burn. They might also be more accessible for those looking for a slightly more affordable eco-friendly candle option.

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Health and Air Quality

Soy blended candles excel in this department, emitting fewer toxins when burned. The natural ingredients in soy wax mean that you’re breathing cleaner air, which can have a big impact on indoor environments, particularly where candles are used frequently.

On the flip side, paraffin candles have been reported to release benzene, toluene, and other harmful chemicals when burning. Over time, these emissions can contribute to indoor air pollution, which may cause or exacerbate respiratory problems.

When it comes to soy blended candles, the inclusion of other waxes could alter these emissions. However, a reputable soy blend candle from a conscious candlemaker will likely still offer a healthier alternative to paraffin.

Scent and Aesthetics

Soy wax tends to hold onto scents a little more subtly than paraffin, creating a smooth and consistent aroma without being overpowering. The natural color of soy wax is typically a creamy white, which can complement a range of decor styles and colors.

Paraffin candles, on the other hand, can be highly scented and colored, making them a popular choice for those who love bold, fragrant candles that make a strong statement. Due to their consistency and ability to hold shape, paraffin candles also lend themselves well to intricate and decorative designs.

Soy blended candles aim to offer the best of both worlds, with the flexibility to hold a scent well while being more color-customizable than 100% soy. For those who want a customized candle experience, soy blends can be a great option.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

The nod here unquestionably goes to soy wax. Soybeans are a renewable crop that reaps benefits for farmers and the environment. Choosing 100% soy wax helps to support sustainable agriculture, reduces the reliance on fossil fuels, and offers a biodegradable end product.

While soy blends can still be considered sustainable, the addition of non-soy waxes means they’re not as environmentally friendly as their purer counterparts. The key lies in understanding the sourcing of the additional waxes to ensure they’re contributing to sustainable practices.

Conversely, paraffin’s ties to petroleum and the environmental effects associated with its extraction and production make it the least eco-friendly option of the three.

Cost and Longevity

Initially, 100% soy wax candles might be pricier than their paraffin counterparts due to the cost of soybeans. However, their slower burn time generally means they last longer, evening out the cost over the candle’s lifecycle.

Soy blends can offer a more competitive price point while still providing a longer burn time and cleaner fumes, making them a great value for eco-conscious candle connoisseurs.

Paraffin candles often come with the cheapest price tag upfront but may burn much more quickly, necessitating the purchase of more candles over time. When considering the cost, it’s important to factor in the environmental and health-related expenses that might come with paraffin use.

Making Your Wax Choice

Ultimately, your choice of candle wax will depend on your personal values, the importance you place on environmental and health factors, your aesthetic preferences, and your budget. If you’re looking for a sustainable, clean-burning option that supports a healthy home environment, 100% soy blended candle wax is a clear winner.

However, for those desiring a broader spectrum of scents and more intricate candle designs without completely sacrificing eco-friendliness, a soy blend candle could be the perfect compromise.

Remember, the candle industry is not one-size-fits-all. It’s all about finding the best candle option for you and your lifestyle. Whether you’re a home decor enthusiast dedicated to creating a sustainable oasis or simply a lover of cozy nights in, your candle choice can now reflect not just your style, but your values too.

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Be sure to implement one of our candles on your next decorated tabletop.